
Why Don’t Boys Get Our Signs? Subtle Hints That Girls Drop To Let A Guy Know They’re Interested

Here are Why Don’t Boys Get Our Signs memes that perfectly show how girls give signs and guys are left scratching their heads

Girls always say that “Why Don’t Boys Get Our Signs?”

Girls are always sending signals, whether it’s through words, body language, or even clothing. But for some reason, boys just don’t get it.

It’s not like girls are trying to be coy or play hard to get. Girls just want the Boys to know that they are interested! But boys always seem to miss the subtle (and not so subtle) hints that the girls are giving them. Chameleon Memes has a perfect list of Why Don’t Boys Get Our Signs memes that describes the hints

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Chinese language - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: reddit

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Don't pull only push - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: pinterest

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Funny car - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: reddit

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Girls giving directions - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs

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No entry entrance only - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: knowyourmeme

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Please try to walk without walking - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: imgflip

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Pullish - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: reddit

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Stop and go - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: memedroid

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Stop sign - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs

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Traffic signals - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs

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turn left turn right - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: dopl3r


Turn left - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: pinterest

13 –

Yes and no - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: reddit


Entrance only - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: u/Lamepinata


Go fly a kite - Why Don't Boys Get Our Signs
Source: ifunny



Men are so dumb
Source: dd_404


Source: kamatzi


Signal tree
Source: [deleted]


We are open
Source: brysonsams


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