
22 Animal Memes To Start Your Day Right

These animal memes show some of the funniest moments when animals were caught in the act of being cute or complete idiots.

Memes have become such a popular form of humor that they have been made into T-shirt and books. There are many different types of animal memes. Cats memes are the most popular animal memes because they’re cute and funny when they do something silly. Other animals that make good memes include dogs, monkeys, racoons and rats

Animal memes can be used to make people laugh and to get them through tough times in their lives

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I don't have a nervous system
Source: ObsessedWithAnimals

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Koaliation - Animal Memes
Source: JaegerF


Penguins have been known - Animal Memes
Source: memelord713


Live fast eat trash - Animal Memes
Source: scoobermeal


Me thinking
Source: junejujube


When you wake up
Source: junejujube


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Written by ChameleonMemes

The ultimate destination for anyone who loves humor & memes

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