A Look Back at 25 Inappropriate Vintage Ads That Would Raise Eyebrows Today
Inappropriate vintage ads offer a fascinating glimpse into the past, revealing how social norms and marketing strategies have evolved. These ads, once considered clever or acceptable, now come across as shockingly outdated and problematic. With today’s heightened sensitivity to issues of gender, race, and equality, many of these ads would definitely not fly in the modern era. What was once seen as humorous or edgy now often elicits cringes and disbelief. The drastic shift in societal values underscores just how far we’ve come in terms of social awareness and advertising ethics.
While some of these vintage ads might seem funny in retrospect, it’s essential to recognize the underlying attitudes they perpetuated. Humor often doesn’t translate well across time periods, and what was once a common joke can now be interpreted as offensive or inappropriate. The discomfort we feel when viewing these old advertisements serves as a reminder of the progress we’ve made in promoting more inclusive and respectful messaging in advertising.
1. Ad on the back of an old comic. This would no go over well in 2017…

2. Asthma cigarrettes!!!

3. Cigarettes are for Mommies

4. A look back at the best old Rainier Beer ads

5. Advertisement Mocks Women

6. Retro toys ads be like…

7. Dec 5, 2000

8. For Feminine Hygiene-always use Lysol. Vintage Lysol ads in newspapers

9. Old Iver Johnson ad

10. Most men ask…

11. Nico time Cigarettes Pregnant Ad

12. Butter. Goof and good for you

13. Photography ad in my Dad’s old yearbook

14. Sexist and offensive vintage ads that would never fly today

15. The more you play with it

16. Toothache drops

17. Unintentional false advertising

18. Vintage Cigarette Ad

19. Wife can blame herself

20. Women dont leave kitchen!






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