
30 Funniest “Things In Places Where It Shouldn’t Be” Memes

There’s something about seeing things out of place that just tickles our fancy. Maybe it’s the element of surprise, or the fact that it just looks so darn weird and not right. Whatever the reason, we can’t help but laugh when we see things in places where they shouldn’t be.

From cat using ATM to duct tapes replacing toilet paper in bathrooms, here are some of the funniest things we’ve seen in places where they definitely don’t belong.

1 – When the car air conditioner is not working

2. Ribbed Bananas

3 – Life before emails

4 – When your wife asked you to pick up groceries but you’re in hurry

5 – Password is pspsps

6 – When Batman joins your office

7 – When your friend forgets to give you a blanket

8 – Don’t!

Don't put d in hole
Source: Things In Places It Shouldn’t Be

9 – Shit is about to get messy

10 – This just doesn’t belong here…

11 – One can give pain and the other can give you pleasure

12 – Denim staircase is the new thing…

13 – Whatever it is just legalize it

14 – Protein Ice Cream

15 – How to operate a microwave

16 – Adding this on my bucket list

17 – When you literally order Dominos

18 – Shrimpsmas Tree

19 – The perfect chair

20 – After you’re done you can wash you butt in washing machine






26. Right where it shouldn’t be

Clipped tyre
Source: Grant Davis

27. Why?!

28. Slam Dunk

29. Monke jump

Source: Grant Davis

30. Shit Street

Toilet on road
Source: Raven Lee


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