
25 Lazy Memes That Shows The Heights Of Laziness

Here are lazy memes that shows the great height laziness can attain

Lazy memes are the best memes. They’re relatable, funny, and don’t require any effort to scroll through. Also, we are too lazy to explain this any further so if you’re looking for a good laugh, then look no further – these lazy memes are sure to tickle your funny bone.

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-1 Hour - lazy memes
Source: pinterest

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Attending call - lazy memes
Source: pinterest

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Cooking meme - lazy memes
Source: pinterest

4 –

Dog strolling - lazy memes
Source: pinterest

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Filling gas lazy - lazy memes
Source: reddit

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Laying down and sipping - lazy memes
Source: ebaumsworld

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Lazy or genius - lazy memes
Source: sayingimages

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Long straw - lazy memes
Source: pinterest

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Nail Paint - lazy memes

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Sitting and peeing - lazy memes
Source: funtoosh

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Walking the dog - lazy memes
Source: funtoosh

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Watching mobile - lazy memes
Source: timesofindia

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Bird in flight carrying another bird! - lazy memes
Source: CandiceThomas

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Is that rain - lazy memes
Source: memedroid

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Me on my day off - lazy memes
Source: memedroid

18 –

Someone please roll that sausage near my mouth - lazy memes

Source: askideas

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Wanna hang out - lazy memes
Source: memedroid

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when life is a complete mess - lazy memes - lazy memes
Source: memedroid

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when mom made some pizza rolls - lazy memes
Source: memedroid

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Winner of the lzay cat - lazy memes
Source: memedroid

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Worlds laziest person competition - lazy memes
Source: memedroid

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You need to get out and do stuff - lazy memes
Source: memedroid

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Do you ever zone out - lazy memes
Source: memedroid


Chillin - lazy memes
Source: Bitterpleaser


How to handle lifes problem - lazy memes
Source: Bitterpleaser


I will not do dishes - lazy memes
Source: Bitterpleaser


Its about to rain - lazy memes
Source: Bitterpleaser


Washing pans - lazy memes
Source: Bitterpleaser




Throwing a ball of trash
Source: Player1iea


too lazy
Source: lawlessbacon


You and I are not so different
Source: NotWea


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