
20 Google Street View Pics So Funny You’ll Say, “What on Earth?”

When Navigation Meets Comedy: Hilarious Google Street View Moments You Can’t Miss

Google Street View is known for helping us navigate the world, but sometimes it accidentally captures moments that are pure comedy gold. From people caught in bizarre situations to animals photobombing the perfect frame, these images are a testament to the hilarity of unplanned moments. If you’ve ever wondered what happens when life meets a camera at just the right time, these snapshots are the answer.

Curated from the hilarious Subreddit googlemapsshenanigans, these Google Street View gems showcase the quirks and surprises of everyday life. Whether it’s an awkward pose, a perfectly timed glitch, or an utterly confusing scene, these pictures will have you laughing and scratching your head, all while muttering, “What on Earth?”

1. At least they had the decency to censor the legs

2. Boy falling off a bench found in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania!

3. Browsing Google Street View today

4. Darth Vader spotted taking out the trash in New Zealand

Darth Vader spotted taking out the trash in New Zealand - Google Street View Pics
Source: [deleted]

5. Drug deal caught on google maps

Drug deal caught on google maps - Google Street View Pics
Source: [deleted]

6. Escaped prisoner found near a jail!

7. Google street view blurred out my horses face…

Google street view blurred out my horses face...
Source: Noahser

8. Found Uzbek deity at 39.834520, 65.498884

Found Uzbek deity at 39.834520, 65.498884 - Google Street View Pics
Source: SelectionCapable1478

9. Harry Potter during a live stream

10. Interesting car on the wall found in the Netherlands!

11. My friend and I on Google maps, circa 2013

My friend and I on Google maps, circa 2013 - Google Street View Pics
Source: Leri-Nator

12. Open beer tossing Google car driver

Open beer tossing Google car driver - Google Street View Pics
Source: J_Crafty

13. Quick, the Google car is coming….

14. Somewhere in Alaska

15. Spiderman on a roof found in Japan!

Spiderman on a roof found in Japan! - Google Street View Pics

16. Street view is a gift

17. Streetview censored this Cat for his privacy

Streetview censored this Cat for his privacy - Google Street View Pics
Source: eddASU

18. This dog’s blurred butt

19. This Segway bus

20. When you realize that you’re going to be on Google Street View but you have nothing funny planned

When you realize that you're going to be on Google Street View but you have nothing funny planned - Google Street View Pics
Source: CroBorn


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