
Xavier Memes – 25 Funniest Tweets & Comments Made By Xavier

Here is a list of the best best Xavier Memes that’ll make your stomach hurt from laughing too hard

Xavier memes originate from an Indian origin person named Pakalu Papito, who was an absolute Rockstar during 2013 to 2015 on Twitter & Facebook before both accounts were taken down. But, the screenshots of his tweets were already trending by then, below are some of his tweets.

I live for 2 reasons
stop destroyoing earth
stop destroyoing earth 1

Since then, many anonymous social media users have created Twitter and Facebook accounts using his name and they are also posting funny tweets & comments. And the username Xavier is one of them.

Chameleon Memes has compiled a list of top funny tweets & comments made by Xavier

1 –

Boys without beards are my kids
Source: Kingmess

2 –

Do men still open car doors
Source: Dopl3r

3 –

Does men look at their wifes face
Source: Facebook

4 –

How many holes are there in the net
Source: Pintrest

5 –

I apologize when Im wrong
Source: Facebook

6 –

I have this but at different place
Source: Instamemer

7 –

I will accept the first 7 dares
Source: Wirally

8 –

imagine marrying your crush
Source: Facebook

9 –

My roommate just finished the book
Source: Facebook

10 –

Question papers
Source: thestorypedia

11 –

Sometimes I talk to myself meme
Source: Facebook

12 –

Thats how you eat fries Xavier memes
Source: thestorypedia

13 –

What is the main reason for divorce
Source: Facebook

14 –

Whats IDEk mean
Source: Facebook

15 –

Xavier memes liked your post
Source: Wirally


Downstair neighbors
Source: Che_D_Lay_sir


I hate my mind
Source: bletchley


Please help me
Source: lostfly


Stay close to roots
Source: lostfly


He has no legs
Source: lostfly



How to impress
Source: AacornSoup


If the legs are like this
Source: cappppconvict


Say something positive
Source: Vlogger24


Yesterday Im river
Source: Friezaii69


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