
20 Funniest Design Fails So Hilarious, You’ll Think They Were Done On Purpose

Hilariously Awful Design Blunders: The Funniest Design Fails You’ll Ever See

In the world of design, creativity and practicality are supposed to go hand in hand. However, sometimes things don’t go as planned, leading to some of the funniest design fails you’ll ever see. From unintentionally hilarious public signs to outrageously impractical architectural choices, these epic fails leave us wondering what the designers were thinking. It’s almost as if some of these design fails were done on purpose to give us a good laugh. Whether it’s a misplaced door, a confusing sign, or a bafflingly bizarre piece of furniture, these blunders are sure to brighten your day.

One can’t help but chuckle at these funniest design fails that defy all logic and common sense. They serve as a reminder that even the most serious of professions can have their off days, resulting in outcomes that are as amusing as they are perplexing. While these design fails might frustrate the people who have to deal with them daily, for the rest of us, they provide endless entertainment and a chance to appreciate the lighter side of human error.

These epic fails are more than just mistakes; they are a testament to the unpredictable and sometimes laughable nature of human creativity. In a world where we often take design and functionality for granted, the funniest design fails remind us that perfection is overrated.

1. A public bathroom in Seattle

A public bathroom in Seattle - Funniest Design Fails
Source: katanaty

2. At least it’s padded?

At least it's padded? - Funniest Design Fails
Source: cheekymrs

3. If eating on a plane wasn’t uncomfortable enough, you have to reach over your drink to eat

If eating on a plane wasn't uncomfortable enough, you have to reach over your drink to eat - Funniest Design Fails
Source: lR0NMAlDEN

4. Installed those elevator buttons, boss.

Installed those elevator buttons, boss. - Funniest Design Fails
Source: compuryan

5. Leg space in a Cricket stadium.

6. Let’s put the reset button here!

7. Lets hope there isn’t a fire

Lets hope there isn't a fire - Funniest Design Fails
Source: robric1985

8. Oddly placed phone in a waiting room

Oddly placed phone in a waiting room - Funniest Design Fails
Source: Noemo19

9. pizza delivered in a bag

pizza delivered in a bag - Funniest Design Fails
Source: Emotional_r

10. Placing the emergency door button next to the children’s play area

11. Steps that are too long for one step, but too short for two

Steps that are too long for one step, but too short for two - Funniest Design Fails
Source: enzodr

12. Stop sign in the street

13. The fitting room doors at the thrift store

The fitting room doors at the thrift store - Funniest Design Fails
Source: SeventhMind7

14. The students at my course complained about not having enough privacy and they decided to install glass doors to solve the issue

The students at my course complained about not having enough privacy and they decided to install glass doors to solve the issue - Funniest Design Fails
Source: Ysisbr

15. They put circus mirrors in my local PF – Funniest Design Fails

They put circus mirrors in my local PF - Funniest Design Fails
Source: Guwoq

16. This bed & breakfast has a door to nowhere on the second floor

17. This one certainly stands out

18. This was the sink in a restaurant.

19. This weird door at the top of the stairs in a weird hotel

This weird door at the top of the stairs in a weird hotel - Funniest Design Fails
Source: AlephMartian

20. Waterfall over the entrance to my apartment when it rains. No the gutters aren’t full. It’s designed this way.

Waterfall over the entrance to my apartment when it rains. No the gutters aren't full. It's designed this way. - Funniest Design Fails
Source: FatElk


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