
25 Dumb Things Kids Have Ever Said Or Done – Guaranteed To Make You Laugh

Innocence Unleashed: Hilarious Tales of Kids’ Unfiltered Wisdom

We’ve all been there. You’re out in public, minding your own business, when suddenly you hear a kid say or do something so outrageous that you can’t help but gasp in disbelief. It’s a moment of pure amusement & sometimes horror.

In these moments, all you can do is shake your head and laugh it off. After all, kids will be kids. But sometimes, their innocence can lead to some truly funny situations.

Kids say and do the darnedest things! From the hilarious class tests to the downright outrageous, we’ve all heard stories of kids saying and doing some pretty dumb things. Whether they’re trying to make us laugh or just don’t know any better, these stories are guaranteed to make you chuckle. So let’s take a look at some of the funniest, most outrageous dumb things kids have ever said or done!

1 – Cheeze it

2 – Daddy I want toast

Daddy I want toast

3 – Future business man

Future business man
Source: awswanos

4 – He keeps insisting that we build a 10 foot doorway for him

He keeps insisting that we build a 10 foot doorway for him
Source: [deleted]

5 – How to spell “because”

6 – i tried turning on the tv and it wouldn’t turn on. i opened the remote and i find this…

i tried turning on the tv and it wouldn't turn on. i opened the remote and i find this...
Source: GraceWRX

7 – I was mad at my brother apparently

I was mad at my brother apparently
Source: adelaidegale

8 – If it fits, it goes in the drain

If it fits, it goes in the drain
Source: ladyjriggs

9 – Kid’s ready for Vegas

10 – Lemme go take a quick nap so I can understand you

11 – life ruined cause can’t draw on the dog

life ruined cause can’t draw on the dog
Source: Randolph-

12 – Lil sibling wrote this on question 6.

13 – Love when you get to use the kid’s stupidity to help them

Love when you get to use the kid's stupidity to help them
Source: grass-whore

14 – My 5 y/o learned about Martin Luther King Jr the other day. Although I feel she may have missed a key detail…

My 5 y/o learned about Martin Luther King Jr the other day. Although I feel she may have missed a key detail…
Source: Beckymp

15 – My friend’s spawn is a hoot!!

My friend's spawn is a hoot!!
Source: Kahnutu

16 – My sons latest attempt at “hide and seek”.

My sons latest attempt at “hide and seek”.
Source: smazarpay

17 – the coolest teacher ever! Nice…

the coolest teacher ever! Nice...
Source: pilsenmelito

18 – The other mom

The other mom
Source: Bad-Umpire10

19 – The reason why kindergarten was so much fun

The reason why kindergarten was so much fun
Source: BoopBoop20

20 – Told my 6yo his shoes were on the wrong feet

Told my 6yo his shoes were on the wrong feet


Redditors with toddler
Source: TedCruzIsMe


I uderstand
Source: kittydetonator



6 year old
Source: Gina Denny



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