
26 Hilarious Vacation Memes That Are Way Too Precise

Here are some funny vacation memes to get you into your vacation mood

We know that vacationing is something we all need in our lives, whether it’s taking a trip to the beach, or mountains, cooking with family and friends or even just watching Netflix and chilling, or binge drinking at a local club. The point is, a damn good time. In order to go on vacation and get some much-needed R&R (rest and relaxation), here are vacation memes that are really funny and when you think about them, they make more sense than you would have imagined.

1 –

how many vacation days do you want
Source: thealashraf

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3 –

outstanding move
Source: reddit

4 –

don't pack to much we are only staying for 3 days

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packing light for this trip

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This is how ready Iam
Source: Viatravelers

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ho people who are flying away on vacation look at those on ground
Source: memedroid

9 –

Don't send help
Source: Dopl3r

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8am on camping
Source: memedroid

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House rent 5 minutes away from the beach
Source: memedroid

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When you realize you forgot to shave
Source: slapwank

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When everyone has the same idea as you
Source: Imgflip

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expectation vs reality
Source: thealashraf

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me checking my email on vacation
Source: agentfire

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Basic girls on vacation
Source: thealashraf

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when your whole squad cancels
Source: memes

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When you're on vacation and forgot airpods

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22. Vacation Pi Chart

23. Night shift workers on Vacation

24. People visiting a country vs People living in a country

People visiting country - Vacation Memes
Source: Jade_prox

25. Going on a relaxing holiday

Kevin James on Plane - Vacation Memes
Source: MajorRawne


When you go on vacation
Source: Faahhrgan


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