Breaking the Laws of Physics Memes: When Laughter Defies Gravity!
There’s nothing funnier than watching someone break the laws of physics without realizing it. And that’s exactly what makes these Breaking The Laws Of Physics memes so hilarious.
Whether it’s eating soup with chopsticks or a Captain Jack Sparrow walking under water, these funny memes will have you cracking up.
So if you’re looking for a good laugh, then be sure to check out these Breaking The Laws Of Physics memes. You won’t be disappointed!
1 – 5 Year old confused me

2 – Exceptions be like…

3 – My Cat vs Physics

4 – Physics professor be like…

5 – Take me back to 1687

6 – Go Home Physics You’re Drunk

7 – My in physics class

8 – I can hear physics weep

9 – Defying the laws of physics

10 – Lad proves the experts wrong

11 – Physics Doesn’t Apply To Goats

12 – Physics vs Pirates

13 – When you are about to know about physics

14 – Where’s your physics now

15 – When you break the laws of physics

16 – You cant eat soup with chopsticks

17 – When doctor says you have 5 minutes to live

18. This is breaking the law of physics.

19. As an Indian, I can confirm India does not have physics.

20. Can’t break the laws of physics

21. Physics memes for you.

22. Rappers defy physics.

23. Defying the laws of physics.

24. Physics aint physicing

25. When you break the laws of physics

26. Apply Kirchoff’s Law.

27. first law of thermodynamics meme

28. No no no no…

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