
“Not Anti-Social, Just Introverted”: The Most Accurate Introvert Memes

These hilarious introvert memes show what Introverts Have Had To Hear All Of Their Lives

Introverts are people who prefer to spend time alone or in small groups, and who generally find high-stimulation environments (like parties or big events) to be overwhelming. If you’re an introvert, chances are you’re sick of people telling you to “come out of your shell” or that you’re “too shy.”

Luckily, the internet is a safe haven for introverts, and there are plenty of introvert memes out there that speak to our experience. So the next time someone tells you to “stop being anti-social,” just send them one of these funny introvert memes and be on your way.

1 –

10 dangs
Source: jansenart

2 –

A blessing from lord
Source: jansenart

3 –

Source: jansenart

4 –

Favorite weekend activity
Source: jansenart

5 –

go ask them
Source: jansenart

6 –

How introverts make friends
Source: jansenart

7 –

inishes a test
Source: jansenart

8 –

lanning what to say
Source: jansenart

9 –

My grocery list
Source: jansenart

10 –

No talking
Source: jansenart

11 –

nxiety prime
Source: jansenart

12 –

Oh god
Source: jansenart

13 –

Opening up to people
Source: jansenart

14 –

Small talk
Source: jansenart

15 –

Story of my life
Source: jansenart

16 –

When I go out
Source: jansenart

17 –

you never talk
Source: jansenart


Wanting the notification - Introvert Memes
Source: jansenart


when youre done with humans - Introvert Memes
Source: jansenart


You look so unapproachable - Introvert Memes
Source: jansenart


Interacts with people
Source: jansenart


Did you call first
Source: jansenart


I dont like to bother people
Source: jansenart


Introverts be running
Source: jansenart


When you go to hell
Source: jansenart







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