
40 Relationship Memes That Captures The Chaos Of Being In A Relationship

Here are relationship memes that captures the best & worst of being in a relationship

Relationship memes can be the most relatable for a lot of people who are in a relationship. These funny relationship memes will make you laugh at how lovely, messy and crazy being in a relationship can be. The most important thing to remember in a relationship is that you should never lose your sense of humor. And to make sure you don’t, we’ve gathered hilarious relationship memes to make you laugh or cry at the same time.

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Listening to your significant other talk about their day

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me on my way to annoy my man
Source: Lovethispic

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me ready to get some food after cursing my man
Source: MsClearSIight

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Then they are about to leave
Source: NachosWarfare

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This day is going great
Source: IOnceCalledMyTeacherMomByMistake

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When bae stops cuddling me
Source: NachosWarfare

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What do you bring to the table
Source: NachosWarfare

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When a girl finally decides to tell you what's wrong
Source: NachosWarfare

12 –

when bae gets out of shower looking like a snack

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When bae takes more than 1 minute to reply
Source: NachosWarfare

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When he doesn't reply
Source: NachosWarfare

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when he finally texts you a paragraph of how he feels
Source: NachosWarfare

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When he starts yelling too many instruction
Source: Fairy0T0ale

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When he stops cuddling you and sleeps facing other side
Source: MsClearSIight

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When my man asks me what I want to eat
Source: MsClearSIight

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When you are waiting for your boyfriend to get in bed
Source: NachosWarfare

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When you check to see if your girlfriend is still pissed

Source: MsClearSIight

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When you sleepover at his house

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When you tell the story of you fell in love

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when youre boyfriend is dramatic one in relationship
Source: chameleonmemes.

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When you're throwing random mood swings
Source: ifunny


Person you let go - Relationship Memes
Source: MohAki1


Wassup - Relationship Memes
Source: MohAki1


Did you eat - Relationship Memes
Source: MohAki1


Come Over - Relationship Memes
Source: MohAki1


All peaceful and stress free - Relationship Memes
Source: MohAki1


Bae is having fun
Source: dedncyde


Side chicks
Source: dedncyde


Spend ths night
Source: dedncyde


Waiting to see
Source: dedncyde


When he looking happy
Source: dedncyde


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