
What Women Think Men Want vs. What Men Really Want Memes

The great revelation! Here is a list on what women really think men want versus what men really want memes.

What men really want memes is a list of memes which show what men really want. Women are always telling men that they only want one thing from them, but unfortunately, sometimes they are correct and sometimes they are wrong. The truth is , that most men have a lot of other things going on in their mind apart from sex.

It’s not every day that you find a list of the top 10 “What women think men want vs. What men really want” memes on the internet. Chameleon Memes has compiled a list of top 10 memes for you to sit back enjoy these funny memes…

1 – Rock, Water , Scissors!

cutting water with knife - What men really want memes
Source: Memegine

2 – Look at the history books, Men love war

men going on war meme - What men really want memes
Source: 9gag

3 – Men just wanna collect T Rexes

Men like to collect Dinosaur figurines - What men really want memes

4 – A Good Physique!

men want good physique - What men really want memes
Source: Me.Me

5 – Yes, Its True…To Save Everyone During The Zombie Apocalypse

6 – Men love anything with wars

Men want star wars - What men really want memes
Source: Ahseeit

7 – Men just wanna get high

men want to smoke some weed - What men really want memes
Source: Onsizzle

8 – Rick & Morty

Rick and Morty 2 - What men really want memes
Source: Me.Me

9 – A Musician!

Skeleton playing trumpet - What men really want memes
Source: Onsizzle


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10 – What Men actually wanna slap

What guys wanna slap - What men really want memes
Source: Stare Cat


Dropping a big rock - What men really want memes
Source: memegene


a stick - What men really want memes
Source: sharkium1


dark sense of humor - What men really want memes
Source: WTFantastico


Equal amount of blue berries - What men really want memes
Source: Woz8005


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