
32 “When You Order From Wish Memes” That Will Make You Wish You Never Ordered From Wish

Here are some of the funniest “When you order from Wish Memes” that you will regret it immediately.

If you’re anything like me, you love love to shop online and especially from wish. But what you may not know is that there’s a dark side to ordering from wish. For those who don’t know, Wish is an online store that sells, well, just about everything. And I do mean everything. You can find everything from clothes to electronics to space crafts.

When you order from Wish, you expect to get cheap knock-offs of popular products. But what you don’t expect is for the product to be so terrible that it’s actually funny. And while some of the products are funny, most of them are just cringey and will make you regret ordering from Wish immediately.

When You Order From Wish Memes are a testament to the sometimes absurd and bizarre items you might receive when shopping on the platform. So, if you’re considering ordering from Wish, we urge you to think again. And if you’re looking for a good laugh, checkout some of the funniest “When You order From Wish Memes”.

When You Order from Wish Memes

1 –

brocolli dog
Source: knowyourmeme

2 –

buying concert ticket on wish
Source: reddit

3 –

carl on duty
Source: knowyourmeme

4 –

edsheran from wish
Source: memegine

5 –

invisibility cloak
Source: knowyourmeme

6 –

Jason momoa from wish
Source: blog.wish

7 –

Ordering saddam from wish
Source: knowyourmeme

8 –

space craft on wish
Source: knowyourmeme

9 –

trampoline with pool
Source: knowyourmeme

10 –

when you call 911 on wish
Source: knowyourmeme

11 –

when you order 50 cent from wish
Source: imgflip

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when you order aquaman from wish
Source: memeguy

13 –

when you order furniture from wish
Source: ifunny

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15 –

when you order robert downey jr from wish
Source: knowyourmeme

16 –

When you order start wars triology from wish
Source: knowyourmeme

17 –

when you order stone henge from wish
Source: imgflip

18 –

when you ordered your tyres from wish
Source: knowyourmeme

19 –

wish ads be like
Source: knowyourmeme

20 –

yoda from wish
Source: knowyourmeme


When you order eminem - When you order from wish memes
Source: cristjesus




When you order invisibility cloak - When you order from wish memes
Source: Meme-Man69



Do no order toilet paper
Source: Bryan31285



Stick from wish
Source: avegfoul


Unpacking new batman
Source: meme_JuKe


When you order PS5 from Wish
Source: necroxeno12


wish ads
Source: TJTikka


wish ads
Source: SEIDAHO71


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