
I’d Like To Speak To The Manager? 25 Funny Karen Memes

Here are the best Karen Memes for those who are a fan of her

Love her or hate her but you just can’t ignore her. Karen is not a name its a position that you earn.
So who is a Karen?
Karen is someone who is described as a typical white women who has short bob cut hair style and who demands to speak to the manager even for the tiniest of reasons. Karens are usually rude to the staff and are very demanding. This gave birth to Karen Memes

Chameleon Memes has compiled these 25 Karen Memes that’ll make you run when she walks into you store. Lets make Karen cool again…

1 –

This here is Karen
Source: ahseeit

2 –

every single Karen in 5 mile radius
Source: fakuto

3 –

Getout Karen
Source: Imgur

4 –

5 –

Karen Judge Meme
Source: Saying Images

6 –

bring me thanos
Source: Memedroid

7 –

8 –

Once you defeat all the other Karen's this is the final boss
Source: Me.Me

9 –

10 –

When you want to speak to the manager of the meth lab
Source: Meme.Cool

11 –

She is standing there because she wants to speak to the manager
Source: Artofit

12 –

13 –

14 –

Karens after defeating the manager
Source: Reditt

15 –

When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object meme
Source: ebaumsworld



Im not usually a karen - karen memes
Source: EZIDF


Everyone hates Karen - karen memes


Im never gonna shop here - karen memes
Source: avegfoul



Kids these days
Source: Lgend06



This is america
Source: tedojaan


This place manager
Source: [deleted]


When non english speakers
Source: ginks_21


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