
20 Packaging Fails That Make You Facepalm

Unveiling the Absurd: Diving into Packaging Fails That Defy Logic

Packaging is an essential aspect of product presentation, ensuring that items reach consumers in pristine condition. However, the world of packaging is not immune to its fair share of epic fails, leaving consumers bewildered and shaking their heads. In this compilation, we explore packaging fails that make you facepalm, sourced from the amusingly candid and cringe-worthy submissions on the subreddit “r/EgregiousPackaging.”

One common theme that emerges from these packaging disasters is a sheer lack of common sense. From excessively large boxes housing minuscule items to products sealed in impenetrable plastic fortresses, these fails defy the basic principles of efficient packaging. The collective frustration voiced by the Reddit community on “r/EgregiousPackaging” reflects the universal exasperation felt when encountering these mind-boggling mistakes.

These packaging fails not only make you facepalm but also raise questions about environmental responsibility. Excessive packaging contributes to unnecessary waste, filling landfills and straining our planet’s resources. As we journey through these packaging fails, it becomes evident that some packaging designers missed the memo on sustainability, opting for extravagant, yet utterly nonsensical, approaches. Join us in exploring these facepalm-inducing packaging fails and perhaps consider the impact of such missteps on both consumer satisfaction and our environment.

1. I was worried when I noticed I had a damaged package outside. Turns out it wasn’t an issue.

I was worried when I noticed I had a damaged package outside. Turns out it wasn't an issue.
Source: Tidgexe

2. If only there was a way

If only there was a way
Source: zcarp7220

3. Individually packaged slices of bread

4. Just.. wow

Just.. wow
Source: TheFlameBoy4

5. Literally W H Y

6. Might be a joke but I can’t tell

Might be a joke but I can’t tell
Source: JediKnightaa

7. my med strips

my med strips

8. Pure absurdity

Pure absurdity
Source: wanderingmoor

9. Quite the big box for a usb stick

Quite the big box for a usb stick
Source: TheRealCCHD

10. Ridiculous

Source: ifixu

11. Seen at Target – 2 apple slices X 6 plastic bags, in a plastic box

12. Since oranges don’t have a natural packaging

Since oranges don't have a natural packaging.jpg
Source: snortgiggles

13. Some sort of chip my coworker received

Some sort of chip my coworker received
Source: Shaldoz

14. Thanks Amazon

Thanks Amazon
Source: jetty_junkie

15. The size of the box that this pan came in.

16. These “biosmart” straws that come in a plastic bag, with smaller plastic bags inside for each individual color.

These _biosmart_ straws that come in a plastic bag, with smaller plastic bags inside for each individual color.
Source: VetmitaR

17. this nail polish probably felt like it pulled up in a Rolls-Royce

this nail polish probably felt like it pulled up in a Rolls-Royce

18. Three layers of plastic

Three layers of plastic
Source: stellateranto

19. Why? For what reason? To what possible advantage?

Why_ For what reason_ To what possible advantage_
Source: derek139

20. Special thanks to Amazon: 4 packs of kool-aid

Special thanks to Amazon: 4 packs of kool-aid
Source: wendyrx37


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Written by Firdos Bachke

Firdos Chunawala, a talented writer hailing from Mumbai, India. She is currently associated with Chameleon Memes, where she showcases her writing prowess. Firdos pursued her higher education at Mithibai College, successfully obtaining a Master of Arts degree in English. Her passion for literature and humor fuels her creativity, making her a valuable asset in the world of writing and entertainment.

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