Here are just a few of the most terrifying images that show what it’s really like to be a parent.
Any parent will tell you that being a parent is the hardest job in the world. And they’re not wrong. It’s a 24/7 job that comes with a lot of responsibility and very little sleep. Not to mention, the constant worry that you’re screwing up your child – or that they’re about to screw up your life.
And, unfortunately, it’s the kind of terror that comes with some pretty horrifying images. It’s no wonder that parents often turn to memes or images to express how they’re really feeling. And some of these images are so accurate, they’re downright terrifying. So if you’re not a parent yet, beware. These memes might just change your mind about having kids.
1 – When your kid bring his friend in your bedroom

2 – He said “You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs“

3 – When your kids find your one hole paper punch

4 – Its all about socks

5 – When you forget to hide your laptop

6 – An Artist

7 – That moment of regret when you realize you could have used these $20 to buy protection

8 – Come on the dance flour

9 – He said they all taste the same

10 – When you’re about to leave for office and see this

11 – When the foam monster gets your child

12 – Random Throw ups be like

13 – Tantrums at restaurant

14 – Looks like this kid is going to be graphic designer

15 – What a mess

16 – The TV is now unfixed

17 – Laughing until you pee your pants

18 – Sleeping with your kid be like

19 – When go to the bathroom for a bath and see this…

20 – A tattoo artist in the making

21 – When you leave your kid alone with your car

22. Someones gonna get a foot pain

23. This is what happens when they are quiet.

24. Parenting struggles…

25. To the sewer!

26. Why I don’t cook….

27. Shitter’s clogged

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