
15 Mugshot Memes That’ll Make You Blow Air Out Of Your Nose

Here are 15 Memes That Prove Mugshot Memes Are The Funniest Thing On The Internet

Nothing is more entertaining than good mugshot memes. From celebrity mug shots to a law offender mugshots, basically this list of funny memes will crack you up.

Someone has said that everyone gets arrested at least once in their lifetime! With that said, it’s surprising how often people end up on the news or become famous for their mugshots. You don’t need to be famous like Tiger Woods, Lindsay Lohan and Justin Bieber to end up in the media’s crosshairs. You are literally just one mugshot away from being famous

From the time a criminal is arrested and detained, their mugshot certainly makes a lot of people laugh. But, you don’t need to be a celebrity for your mug shot to be newsworthy. Seriously, these funny mugshot memes speak for themselves.

Therefore, Chameleon Memes has compiled the list of top most hilarious mugshots of all time.

1 – Beyond Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad
Source: Pintrest

2 – Neck To Neck

Execution's by beheading meme
Source: Memedroid

3 – Well, he’s still smiling…

Getting choked in mugshot
Source: Memedroid

4 – The only reason for going to a prison

Guilty of taking my breath away
Source: NYpost

5 – They call him cone head for a reason

I bet his inmates called him conehead
Source: Memedroid

6 – It’s Cracked!

phone don't be cracked
Source: Reditt

7 – There is a lot going on here…

There is so much going on here
Source: Memedroid

8 – How to avoid going to male prison

When you want to avoid going to mail prison
Source: Imgflip

9 – That cringe feeling…

When you've been drinking all day and realize you have to go to work tomorrow
Source: cheezburger

10 – There is one like this in every prison

Wheres my money
Source: Memegenerator

11 – Most Wanted!

When your wanted in 5 states
Source: Imgflip

12 – Thinking about those sangrias

Thinking about Sangrias
Source: Memesmonkey

13. Are you pooping

Are you pooping
Source: @donkoclock

14. Never forget

Guy wears tshirt
Source: Skyyeverlast

15. When Squirrels attack

Women arrested
Source: Sunpeece

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Written by ChameleonMemes

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