
20 Dirtiest Jokes You’ll Hear All Day – Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You

Get Ready for Non-Stop Laughter: 20 Dirty Jokes That Are Too Funny to Miss

Dirtiest Jokes - FG

Get ready to laugh out loud with some of the dirtiest jokes you’ll hear all day! These jokes are so funny, you might find yourself giggling uncontrollably in the middle of a quiet room. Whether you’re into cheeky humor or just love a good laugh that’s a little on the naughty side, these jokes will definitely hit the spot. Dirty jokes are meant to push the limits of humor, but they’re all in good fun, leaving you with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

These hilarious dirty jokes were handpicked from a thread on r/AskReddit, where user “absolutejuice22” posed the question, “What is your best dirty joke?” The answers were nothing short of epic, each one more entertaining than the last. If you’re looking for jokes that break the usual boundaries of humor without crossing the line into awkward territory, these dirty jokes are perfect. Just remember, don’t say we didn’t warn you—they might be a little too funny for your own good!


 woman posts an ad in the personals of a paper wanting a man - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: mlong1013


3 old guys die on Christmas eve and arrive at the Pearly Gates. - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: nurfhearder



A blond and a redhead have a swimming race doing the breast stroke
Source: rattlestaway


A customer walks up to an employee at GNC - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: [deleted]



Bob was mowing his yard when he saw his neighbor walking past with ductape - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: absolutejuice22


I read this one online when I was in middle school  - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: helpwanted



Jimmy’s family lived in a small apartment - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: UYScutiPuffJr


Not really dirty but - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: tsFenix





This is so minor and silly but someone told me this once and I about died. - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: [deleted]


Three guys crash land on an island - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: MedonSirius



What do you call a cheap - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: Floof_2


What’s better than roses on a piano - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: WalnutSnail


What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean - Dirtiest Jokes
Source: harplesbian


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